Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunshine Sunday

Good morning!

We've been busy at home, working in the yard, getting laundry done, etc. All good things, yes, indeed.

I've finished sending baby shower invitations for Rae & just got their Thank You notecards printed. Very exciting!

This week, I'll be in San Francisco for Tuesday - Saturday, back for a week + birthday + Easter, then back out to Phoenix for Millennium training. Jet-setter!

5 Things to Accomplish today:
Work on the baby blanket for Rae
Get laundry done
Enjoy some good weather
Get some steps in for work stepping challenge
Relax with the hubby, before the busy week starts

Well, looks like I best get started--enjoy your day!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lead by Example

At work, we have been training all week on a new library system. With about 10 people in training at a time, some people from out of state and an hour lunch, I figured it would be a good opportunity to FEED THE PEOPLE.

They really deserve it, plus--who wants to be fretting about lunch when you have a new system to learn?

So, anywho, I had split lunch duties with a coworker/friend. I made picnic sandwiches on Monday. She made taco lunch on Tuesday. I am making Italian beef and turkey poor boys for lunch today & we'll order pizza tomorrow.

But that's not the point.

The point is, that this morning, people started bringing in little extras--candy to share, bananas, a poppyseed roll & a famous Heath Bar cake (which I will certainly learn more about later today). How cool is it to help create an environment of sharing by leading by example?

I'm amazed and humbled by such an outstanding group of people. I hope this week's training benefits from this teamwork/togetherness. Very cool.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Ash Wednesday

Good morning,

Father Ted held Mass this morning. His awareness showed as he distributed the ashes almost immediately after the second reading--allowing those who needed to head off to work to leave. Also, he saved his Gospel reflections until after the rest of the Mass for the same reason. It was nice to see the relief in people's eyes as they scurried away to start their work day. One man was dressed for work as a mail carrier--it was nice to have that reminder that what brings us people together is greater than what divides us.

Listened to a fabulous radio program last night devoted to the kapha dosha. I feel like a poster-child kapha now. I'm excited that I've downloaded the podcasts to my iPod so I can listen to one of them while I walk at lunch today. Speaking of lunch, anyone have any spicy veggie recipes? I think I'll start poking around the Internets for some.

Have a great day!

Monday, March 07, 2011

Restart Button

You ever get the feeling like you need a restart button on your day, week, month, year, phase-in-your life?

...I think I just need the daily one, please.

Although I have noticed that I've let the weeds overgrow on my blogs...a bit. So, I'm trying to cut back some of the growth, and restart this process, still keeping with the Mrs.Catman theme, however. Hey, it's still me, right?

So, I'll try to keep up with this a little better--the overgrown 'weeds' can shove off.