Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Patellar Tendonitis Cherry Pie

That's right. Sounds delicious, eh?

I overdid the workout yesterday and am completely paying for it. I have an ice packet strapped to the knee and am looking fabulous today.

Made a cherry pie last night from Morello (sour) cherries. I took the juice and sweetened and thickened it. I didn't add much juice to the pie, but plan on using the "sauce" for something delicious and decadent later.

cornstarch (like 3 T. or so)
3/4 c. sugar
juice from jarred morello cherries
lemon juice
almond extract

In a heating double-pan boiler, dissolved the cornstarch in the water. Added everything except extract. Whisked until thickened. Cooled and added extract. (Added the sauce to the strained cherries while preparing the crust.)

Pie crust:
The usual on the crust, except split the Crisco to half butter, half Crisco

Added some cinnamon to the top of the cherries, once they were added to the pie. Expect the pie to be tart due to most of the sugar staying in the juice and not the cherries. We shall see...

I would consider adding some kind of chocholate to this to make it a chocolate cherry pie, but not being too adventurous due to soreness of the knee.


Randy K said...

Did I ever tell you that Cherry Pie is one of my favorites?

Let me know if you need a taste tester... I"m only 10 mins away...

Just saying...

Mrs.Catman said...

OK. I did not know that. I will keep that in mind. It would be interesting to watch you and Mr.Catman fight over pie though. That would be hilarious...

Mrs.Catman said...

P.S. The pie wasn't too tart--it was perfect for cherry pie.